Sociedade Brasileira de Proteção Radiológica
Associação filiada à IRPA desde 1989 -
SBPR is a member of IRPA - -
The primary purpose of IRPA is to provide a medium whereby those engaged in radiation protection activities in all countries may communicate more readily with each other and through this process advance radiation protection in many parts of the world. This includes relevant aspects of such branches of knowledge as science, medicine, engineering, technology and law, to provide for the protection of man and his environment from the hazards caused by radiation, and thereby to facilitate the safe use of medical, scientific, and industrial radiological practices for the benefit of mankind.
It is a major task for IRPA to provide for and support international meetings for the discussion of radiation protection. The International Congresses of IRPA itself are the most important of these meetings. These have been held about every four years since 1966. For all Associate Societies of IRPA and individual members, it is an important objective to attend the next International IRPA Congress. For many other related professions it is an excellent opportunity to communicate on the achievements, scientific knowledge and operational experience in radiation protection.
Further objectives of IRPA are:
• encourage the establishment of radiation protection societies throughout the world as a means of achieving international cooperation
• provide for and support international meetings for the discussions of all aspects of radiation protection
• encourage international publications dedicated to radiation protection
• encourage research and educational opportunities in those scientific and related disciplines which support radiation protection
• encourage the establishment and continuous review of universally acceptable radiation protection standards or recommendations through the international bodies concerned.
Membros da diretoria atual - Gestão 2016 - 2018
Presidente: Marcos A. do Amaral (Chair do ISOE - NEA-OCDE/ AIEA-ONU)
Vice-Presidente: Nivaldo Carlos da Silva (LAPOC-CNEN-MG)
Secretário Geral: José Ubiratan Delgado (IRD-RJ)
Tesoureiro: Lucas Gomes Padilha Filho (UFRJ - RJ)
Secretaria Regional - Rio de Janeiro: Alfredo Lopes Ferreira Filho (IRD/CNEN, RJ);
Secretaria Regional - Recife: Fernando Roberto de Andrade Lima. (CRCN-NE, PE);
Secretaria Regional - São Paulo: Demerval Leónidas Rodrigues (IPEN/CNEN, SP);
Secretaria Regional - Poços de Caldas: Raul Alberto Sodré Villegas (LAPOC/CNEN, MG);
Secretaria Regional - Goiânia: Rosangela da Silveira Correa (CRCN-CO/CNEN, GO);
Secretaria Regional - Angra dos Reis: Magno José de Oliveira (Eletronuclear, RJ);
Secretaria de Radiações Não Ionizantes: Altair Souza de Assis (UERJ, RJ).
Secretaria de Metrologia das Radiações Ionizantes: Guilherme Peixoto (IRD/CNEN, RJ).
Secretaria de Radiações Naturais: Zildete Rocha (CDTN/CNEN, MG)
Secretaria de Aplicações Industriais: Josilto de Aquino (CNEN, RJ)
Secretaria Acadêmica e de Pesquisa: Carlos Roberto Appoloni (UEL, PR)
Secretaria de Comunicação Institucional: Denise Levy (Omiccron, SP)